Thinking of Setting a 2022 Resolution? Read This First.

And just like that… it’s the first day of December and the last month of the year.

(And yes my opening words were a reference to the coming-verrrry-soon Sex and the City spin off series. Because I’m here for women over 40 (and 50!) being celebrated on our screens.)

If you’re anything like me then this is a time of year when you’re reflecting and planning. Looking back at what the current year has held, and looking forward and contemplating what the next year might bring.

What I know for sure is that you don’t want to start another new year promising yourself that THIS will be the year where you put YOUR needs first… and then realizing half way through that, yet again, you’ve prioritized everyone else over yourself.

Because, let’s be honest, how’s that really working out?

Nobody wins when you’re burned out and depleted. Least of all you. So, what’s going to be different in 2022? How are you going to do it differently?

Right now, next year is a completely blank canvas. It’s a clean sheet. It’s an invitation to begin again and steer your life in the direction you want it to go in. Which is exciting and alluring, right? Because you are absolutely never too old and it is definitely never too late to create a life you love.


Studies show that less than 25% of people stay committed to resolutions after 30 days, and (this is a real kicker) only 8% actually accomplish them.

So why aren’t the majority of people able to stick to the change they’ve decided they want (and often need) to create for themselves?

Well, two big reasons are lack of support and lack of accountability.

Once our initial motivation to create change in our lives has worn off (hello, February) we start to get distracted with other things. Without a supportive circle that encourages us and keeps us accountable, we find reasons to return to old habits rather than reinforcing new ones.

Call it what you want - a squad, a circle, or a community, one thing is for sure - you need your people to help you stay on track. And trust me, the right people make the journey a lot easier, and a LOT more fun.

Going it alone can often feel like an uphill struggle. I know this because that’s exactly what I used to do. I’m that independent introvert who used to believe that asking for help or support was a sign of weakness. So I did everything myself.

Imagine my surprise to find out that having a great group of people around me meant that I had more clarity, more energy, and more success. I was able to go the distance with personal and professional pursuits because I was allowing myself to be supported along the way.

I want this support for you, too. I want you to be one of the 8% of people who creates meaningful and lasting change in their lives. The kind of change that looks like stepping away from struggle and enjoying support instead.

So if you’re thinking about setting new goals or intentions for 2022, I invite you to also consider who you’re going to surround yourself with in order to help you stay focused. Because that part is really important.

Envisage yourself this time next year. Who do you want to be? What do you want to have accomplished? What threads do you hope to have woven in to the fabric of your life?

And then ask yourself: How can I set myself up for success? What does my future self need me to do today so I can become her?

Then do that thing. And keep doing that thing. Most importantly of all, surround yourself with the people who will support and celebrate you.


What I Know at 47 That I’d Tell Myself at 27


Life Is Not Linear (and Age-Related Goals are BS)